Monday, 15 August 2011

OnE cUP OF cOFfeE..

Neatly done-up place, where a group of youngsters is strumming a new notation on the guitar, while another group of executives is busy discussing a new business plan. And undisturbed by any of this, an old man pores over an afternoon daily. Only one common thing: steaming cups of coffee.
There was a time when we used to get Nescafe coffee worth 5 rupees. But there is huge difference between that time and now.
A decade back, a word café was invented where not only coffee was served for more than 100 rupees but also a variety of coffees with additional menu were available. This culture starts expanding rapidly and expansion was converted into chains of café.
Café like café coffee, barista, coffee bean, mocha are few café which are very popular these days. Coffee consumed in these cafes mainly includes latte, mocha, cappuccino, espresso, friazzo and even the perennial old favorite, filter coffee. Over and above actually consuming coffee, consumers have begun to seek an experience and place a premium on brand and quality.
CAFÉ are not just a place where people come to consume coffee. They are also lifestyle statements. CAFÉ is a place where youth hangout, business men come for meetings and ladies come out for relaxation.
The cafe culture that is spreading across the cities in the country is pushing up the domestic coffee consumption.
DAY TO DAY we come across so many changes. The modern-day cafe that isn’t anymore just a place to sip a cup of brewed coffee.
The lighting and spirited music that complement the spacious interiors make these coffee-shops a chill-out zone… also serving as music stations, bookstores or venues for business meetings.
It’s not just the metros; even smaller cities are opening up to the `café culture’.
Over the past few years, cafes have seen a rise in popularity.
Few reasons for the popularity of café culture are:
• The café culture took wings with liberalization;
• Changing tastes and preferences of youngsters..
• free and relaxed atmosphere
Also, café chains are redefining themselves without shifting from their basic genre by experimenting with cafe and including various formats like cyber cafes, music cafes, studio for different activities, books café, with café.

Interestingly, books are the latest craze in cafes. Amidst all that chatter, wooden shelves stacked with books have managed to grab the attention of several youngsters.
“For many, the idea of a peaceful day is to sip good coffee in the company of a book, good music and smoke(hookah).

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